Healthy Life Style

Foods that fill you up for a long time in the diet

Keto diet chart

Choosing foods that fill you up for a long time which are low in calories and at the same time energy dense can help you, which means you get a larger amount of food with fewer calories, which helps with weight loss and hunger control.

Weight loss diets are based on the concept of energy density to help you lose weight and maintain it for a long time. This means that you feel full with a smaller amount of calories and a larger amount of food by eating satiating foods for a long period of time in the diet. This helps in resisting hunger and at the same time supplying the body with the necessary nutrients it needs to carry out its various functions.

This is done by paying attention to the number of calories (energy) contained in a certain amount of food. Some foods contain a large amount of calories in a small amount of food, and these foods are not suitable for the diet. However, foods suitable for the diet are foods that fill you up for a long period of time on the diet and contain a small number of calories in a large amount of food.

To clarify the idea, we will compare raisins and grapes. Raisins contain a large amount of calories in a small amount of them. One cup contains approximately 480 calories. As for grapes, one cup contains approximately 104 calories.

How to choose foods that satisfy you for a long time in the diet

There are three main factors that play an important role in choosing foods that satiate for a long period of time in the diet

  • Fruits and vegetables contain a high percentage of water and fiber, which gives the fruits greater volume and weight without affecting the calories contained in them. Therefore, they are considered low-energy foods. For example, a grapefruit is made up of approximately 90% water, and half of that fruit contains only 64 calories.
  • Fiber gives foods extra volume without calories and also takes longer to digest, giving a feeling of fullness for a longer period with fewer calories. Therefore, they are considered foods rich in fiber. It is worth noting that whole grains, vegetables and fruits contain a high percentage of fiber, so they are considered foods that fill you up for a long time. on a diet .
  • Fat contains a very large amount of calories in a small size of food. For example, a piece of butter contains the same amount of calories as two cups of broccoli, so foods rich in fat are not suitable for dieting.

Foods that fill you up for a long time in the diet

In order to develop an appropriate nutritional plan for the diet, you must know the food options that contain a small amount of calories in a large amount of food and are therefore considered foods that fill you for a long time in the diet.

  1. Vegetables

The percentage of calories in most vegetables is very low despite their increased size or weight due to the high percentage of water and fiber found in vegetables. Among the most important vegetables that are suitable for dieting are:

  • carrots
  • Delicate vegetables.
  • tomatoes.
  • Asparagus.
  • Broccoli.
  • Zucchini.
  1. Fruit

Although some types of fruits contain fewer calories, almost all types of fruits are compatible with a healthy diet. Good options for you are whole fruits and frozen and canned fruits that do not contain concentrated sweetened syrup. However, you should avoid consuming fruit juices and dried fruits because they contain high levels of High in calories.

To add more fruits to your diet, here are these ideas:

  • Place sliced ​​mango or peaches on toasted whole wheat bread with a dollop of peanut butter. 
  • Add blueberries to your morning breakfast cereal.
  • Add some tangerines and peaches to the salad. 
  • Keep whole fruits in a bowl and place them in an easy-to-see place so you can remember to eat them at any time. They are rich in vitamins and fiber and are considered  satiating foods for a long time in the diet.
  1. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates include many examples, such as breakfast cereals, rice, bread, and pasta, but the carbohydrates suitable for the diet are whole grains. They are considered the best choice because of their rich content of fiber and other important nutrients. Among the most important carbohydrates suitable for the diet are:

  • Pasta made from whole wheat grains
  • Bread made from whole wheat grains
  • Breakfast cereals made from whole grains
  • Oats
  • Brown rice

But in general, carbohydrates have high levels of calories, so you must pay attention to the size of the portions of carbohydrate-rich foods that you eat.

  1. Protein and dairy products

Protein is necessary during the diet for the health of the body, but you must choose foods that contain a high percentage of protein and a low percentage of fat and calories. Among the most important protein foods suitable for the diet are :

  • Red meat.
  • Chicken.
  • Fish.
  • Legumes, peas and lentils (good sources of fibre)
  • Dairy derivatives such as milk and yoghurt.
  • eggs.
  1. Fats

Fats are energy-rich, high-density foods, but there are some fats that are more suitable for dieting than others, such as: 

  • Olives and olive oil.
  • Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna.
  • Nuts.
  • Avocado fruit.

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