Is it possible to recover diabetes?

Although there is no definitive cure for type 2 diabetes , it is possible for some people to recover from diabetes by following a low-carb diet, losing weight, and doing moderate exercise. This helps in reaching and maintaining normal blood sugar levels. On it without the need to use medication. It is possible for some people who suffer from type 2 diabetes to live several years without the need to take medication and without facing difficulties in controlling blood sugar levels. Learn in this article about how to recover from diabetes and the methods used to do.

Can diabetes be treated permanently?

Type 2 diabetes cannot be ended by treating the physiological problem causing the disease, as cell resistance to insulin. However, the blood glucose level in diabetics can be reduced to a normal level, and this greatly reduces the risk of diabetes complications in the long term.

It is possible to reduce the blood sugar level in diabetics to a percentage equal to the normal levels, as is the case in healthy people who do not have diabetes, or make it equal to the sugar level in the case of prediabetes, which is a clinical condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than the normal limit. But it is not high enough to diagnose diabetes.

The process of lowering blood sugar below the point at which diabetes is diagnosed is called diabetes recovery , and this can be achieved by following a healthy lifestyle through the following:

Recovery from diabetes cannot be considered a permanent treatment or cure, as the factors causing diabetes, whether genetic or environmental factors that led to beta cell damage or cell resistance to insulin, are still present in the patient, and therefore blood sugar levels can return to normal. Height: Symptoms of diabetes reappear when the patient abandons a healthy lifestyle, or when his weight increases above the normal limit.

Recovering from diabetes can completely change the lives of diabetics by bringing blood sugar levels below the level that necessitates a diagnosis of diabetes, in which case the patient may be able to do without medication.

How to recover from diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes can be recovered in several ways:

  1. Weight loss

Obesity is considered one of the risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes , as fat accumulated in the liver and pancreas affects the development of diabetes. Losing weight in diabetics and reducing this fat, in addition to following a healthy lifestyle, helps control blood sugar levels and recover from diabetes.

Diabetes recovery can be achieved if weight is lost as soon as possible after diagnosis of diabetes. However, there are some people who have been able to recover by losing excess weight 25 years after diagnosis. 

For diabetics who suffer from obesity , losing 15 kilograms of their weight in a safe way may help them recover from diabetes and reverse it. Although losing this amount of weight has many health benefits, one must continue to follow a healthy lifestyle and exercise. After losing weight to control blood sugar level and recover from diabetes.

In addition, losing weight and following a low-carbohydrate diet for patients with type 2 diabetes is an important step in recovering from diabetes and dispensing with the use of medications. It also brings them many health benefits, such as:

There are many people who have been able to lose excess weight and recover from diabetes through lifestyle changes and diet changes or through weight loss surgery.

  1. Follow a healthy diet

Following a low-carb diet allows control of blood sugar levels and also helps maintain a healthy weight. Many overweight people with diabetes have been able, through following a low-carb diet, to maintain a weight within normal limits and recover from Diabetes by maintaining blood glucose near the normal range.

  1. Playing sports

Physical activity and exercise are one of the ways to help recover from diabetes , but it may be difficult to lose enough weight to reach the recovery stage through exercise alone, so a low-carbohydrate diet must be followed in addition to exercise, and this It may help burn calories and achieve recovery from diabetes.

By walking 10,000 steps per day and at least two and a half hours of moderate exercise per week, along with following a low-carb diet, you can achieve near-normal blood sugar levels without medication and maintain these levels for a long time as well.

Controlling blood sugar levels is a challenge facing diabetics , while changing lifestyle is considered sufficient to achieve this goal. Studies that spanned more than eight years and included 9,700 participants showed that diabetics can control blood sugar levels near or within normal limits. By following a low-carbohydrate diet , getting rid of excess weight, and doing moderate exercise, this helps in dispensing with medication, and this is called recovery from diabetes.

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