Achieving the desired results from weightlifting depends on practicing this sport in the correct way. There are some tips that can be followed to increase the ability to lift weights. It is not necessary to be a bodybuilder or a professional athlete to obtain the benefits of weightlifting exercises. Practicing weightlifting increases the ability to lift weights . It improves your strength and muscle mass and improves your bone density. It also helps burn fat if you do it correctly, but if you do it incorrectly, you will not get the same results, and you may even be exposed to injury.
The best way to increases the ability to lift weights
Improper weight training technique can lead to sprains, strains, fractures, and other painful injuries that can hamper your weight training efforts. You may learn weight training techniques by watching friends or others at the gym, but sometimes you don’t. What you see is safe.
If you have been using weights for a while, you should schedule time with a trainer from time to time to evaluate your performance while practicing weightlifting . If you are a beginner, work with an experienced weight training specialist, sports coach, or other fitness specialist who is familiar with the appropriate methods. To lift weight.
How do you increases the ability to lift weights?
Here are some instructions and tips to help you in weightlifting
- Choose the appropriate weight
At the beginning of weight lifting, choose a weight that you can easily lift 12 to 15 times. One set of exercises consisting of 12 to 15 movements using weights can build muscle strength effectively and help enhance muscle and body fitness. After that, increase the weight gradually. To suit your strength.
- Maintain correct body posture
At the beginning of weightlifting, you must rely on the coach in order to learn how to perform each exercise correctly. Taking the correct body position is very necessary in order to obtain the maximum benefit from the exercise, and in order to prevent injuries, if you are unable to maintain the correct body position. Try to reduce the number of repetitions of the exercise or reduce the weight you carry. Always remember the importance of having your body in correct posture even when picking up and replacing weights from the weight racks.
- Breathe correctly
Breathing correctly when lifting weights helps provide the muscles with the oxygen they need to function. You may very much want to hold your breath while lifting weights, but you should avoid that and instead do a deep exhalation when lifting the weights and a deep inhale when lowering them.
- Maintain balance
Work all major muscles in the body including:
- Chest and back muscles.
- Muscles of the thighs, legs and arms.
- Abdominal muscles.
The exercises applied to opposing muscles must also be coordinated, as they must be exercised in a balanced manner, such as the muscles of the front and back arms.
- Add strength exercises
Add strength exercises to your fitness regimen, according to the recommendations issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services, which stipulate that strength training exercises targeting all major muscle groups should be incorporated into a fitness regimen and practiced continuously at least twice a week.
- Give the muscles time to recover
You should avoid exercising the same muscles back to back, in order to give the muscles time to repair and recover. You can train all your major muscle groups in the body in one session two or three times a week, or do daily sessions to exercise specific muscle groups. For example, you can select Saturday to train your arms and shoulders, Sunday to train your legs, and so on for the rest of the week so that all the muscles in the body are trained in a balanced way.
Tips to avoid weightlifting mistakes
Follow the following guidelines to avoid common mistakes while lifting weights :
- Maintain warm-up exercises. Because cold muscles are more susceptible to injury than muscles that were exposed to warm-up exercises before starting to lift weights , experts recommend warming up for a period ranging from 5 to 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, brisk walking, or exercises that are appropriate for the sport that you will perform and the muscles that you will exercise.
- Avoid rushing while lifting weights. Move the weight in a controlled manner and without haste. Lifting weights slowly helps you focus on the muscles you are exercising. It also helps you avoid relying on the momentum to lift weights . It is preferable to take a short break of one minute after each exercise.
- Don’t ignore pain. Stop exercising if it causes you pain. Try the exercise again after a few days or try it using less weight.
- Don’t push yourself too hard: The number of sets you do will vary based on your fitness goals. Completing one set of an exercise is usually enough. Doing an additional set of exercises may take longer and make you more vulnerable to injury.